Love-fest, with cheese
Fast forward to more mess from spagetti supper, butterscotch pudding with bananas and Girl Guide cookies (can you say comfort food?) = bathtime, pronto!
While toweling of a little boy, who had 20 minutes prior been one of those best kind of messiest/dirtiest ever I was reminded of one of my most favouritest ever of such conversations.
Twin A : I love you.
Moi : I love you too, sweetheart, thank you!
Twin A : I love you like a grilled cheese sammich and I will put more cheese on you and love you more.
Moi : Well then, I love you too like a grilled cheese sammich, and I don't even need to put ketchup or extra cheese cause I would eat you up cause I love you so much just the way you are.
Twin A : (pause) No! Don't eat me, just kiss me.
I more than happily obliged.