One week

Haven't posted since Sunday, yikes, that's almost a week. I believe that is borderline against successful blog etiquette if one would like to maintain the interest of at least 2.5 readers.
A lot of ideas, that are important to me, ones I am passionate about, are indeed swimming around in my head. I have trouble writing about them, mostly due (yet again) to that damn time thing. So, instead of going on about negligent daycare workers, my father's friend dying, or the horrifying facts I am learning from my volunteer work with the Missing Children's Network, I think I'll keep it light and simply tell you about my week.
I did 8 loads of laundry. I baked 7 dozen of our new most favouritest cookies ever (with this recipe, we use Craisins and milk chocolate chips), and after eating more than, well, more than I should, I got the little push I needed to go buy some fancy-ass new shoes at the Running Room. I am going to start and follow a walk/jog program that is being published in our daily paper. It is 3 times/week only 30 minutes each time. Now come on, I can definitely fit that in, no?? I must, because I am making myself accountable with this lovely, inspirational woman and others right here.
We made meatloaf, spaghetti sauce, had supper at a neighbours (which included lots of laughter, good food, company, wine and very happy children playing together), had a BBQ and watched American Idol and Amazing Race.
I went to see a chick flick with a friend. Not an Oscar contender, but a nice escape and let's get serious. Nothing is bad when Matthew McConaughey is half nekkid 50% of the time. (I apologize, but I just could not find the ONE photo to use, but if you google image him - hubba hubba! don't say you were never warned).
I hosted a meeting last night. I am one of a small group organizing an event called In Motion For The Missing. We are raising money for The Missing Children's Network and Child Find. Only 6 weeks till we go! I am so excited, but also a little stressed. I personally took it upon myself to host one specific event. It is taking place on the 26th and ticket sales are a little slow. I hope we can sell more than a few more within the next 7 days. Anyone wanna buy a $12 ticket for a pasta meal you'll never eat?? I dare you. Email me if you wanna help. I went to one school assembly presentation, getting posters printed and trying to sell tickets so the manager at the pub who is hosting for us doesn't think we are lame.
So those are just a few of the things we have done this week, I didn't even mention preschool, swim'n'gym, skating, library, two playdates, grocery shopping, church activities and of course just good old fashioned hanging out and playing games or reading books at home.
My life is full. I love it. I am having one of those 'good' weeks when you feel that constant "GUSH" of love and happiness and fulfillment. You know, the one that brings you to tears out of pure contentment? This week I am able to look past the dust bunnies and dirty sinks (not sure I'll be able to say the same if I leave them till next week, but let's worry about that next week) My family is just being, and being there with me right where I've always wanted to be.
Ah, nothing like a perfect week! Sounds like it was grand and filled with lots of fun.
That daycare story was pretty scarey. Didn't a daycare in Montréal leave a sleeping child outside for his nap in a wagon??
Hope your Dad is holding tight.
I see you joined us over at the incredible shrinking blogger, not that you need to join us, but we are happy to have you to help keep us in line :)
How very busy and active. If I didn't know any better, I would say that the Kissing Ghost is living on in you.
Oh Peefer...merci buckets for that one.
Nancy...that sink your looking past better not have a dish scrubby out of its recepticle!
Nancy I will buy the $12 ticket. I'll mail you the check Monday. I hope it helps. Wish I wasn't working that day or I would drive down just to have supper with you.
OMG Sharon - thank you so much, how very generous of you. I REALLY appreciate it and it really helps us out.
Gee, I just said really a lot!!
You always impress me so much on how much you do and love to hear how your having such a great time with it all! You definitely have your priorities straight, cookies first, sink later ;)
Could you e-mail me that walkin/running schedule?
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