Tuesday, November 01, 2005
About Me
- Name: nancy
- Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Happily married SAHM to six year-old twin boys, Gramps (my dad) lives next door who has two grandsons who idolize him...yadda yadda yadda...I am a cyncial, sarcastic, opinionated, outspoken loudmouth (potty mouth too) who is in love with being a Mommy (on most days) but has something to say about everything. I can't say I like to 'argue' but I enjoy a good heated discussion with opposing views, so lemme have it.

Previous Posts
- Happy Halloween
- Pumpkinpalooza - Part Two
- SevenMemeCauseIamLazy
- Pumpkinpalooza
- POP!
- Zed or Zee? (and a little bit of Zen)
- George Clooney and peanut butter
- 2 inches
- Monitor fried, it must've ate too much turkey. Goi...
- Peanuts Gallery
Kool Links
I am a participant

- August 2005
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- October 2005
- November 2005
- December 2005
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- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
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- October 2008
I thinking about getting my lights down today and putting them on my fence since it is nice and warm. Can't wait. Last year I was in Winterpeg and I didn't decorate. This year going whole hog so to speak!!!!
Are you count down the days here? My own semi advent calandar?
Hooray, now you're in the Christmas Spirit ;)
Shouldn't we recover a bit from Halloween first?
Just curious.
I'm running out of time.
already have some Xmas gifts taken care of, how scary is that
but I do have 3 bdays to celebrate before then
Arghhhhhh$$$$$$$ Got any leads on the winning lottery numbers???
My countdown clock today says "200 days until the Friday of the May 24th weekend." That's what I'm counting down to."
Ann - you are SOOOO Canadian!!
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