Pumpkinpalooza - Part Two
Did you know how early Halloween deco-RAY-shuns go on sale?? Look what I found at Winners for $6!!
And we raked, cleaned the gardens, played in the leaves, rode our bikes, played driveway hockey, caught ladybugs, walked the dog...we certainly caught up on about a month's worth of playing outside. It was truly glorious.

But then something horrible happened! We aren't quite sure how, but one explanation we received was that she was in the tree with a squirrel and the ghostie scared her and she flew away really fast and crashed into the window. We were then also granted permission to leave her there in case she wants to go back to the tree to see a squirrel.

Anyway, we had a nice dinner and then carved our punkin. I won't show you, it's like Christmas, you'll have to wait, but I love this shot of Daddy and his boys admiring their work.

Sounds like the most fantastic weekend! Sorry you had a "crasher" ;) Hopefully she will fly home after tonight.
It was truly great to see all the beautiful sunshine! My eyes were burning for a while on Saturday ;)
WOW You really get into Hallowe'en. COOL!
I get into Christmas. I have to make Nathan's costume this morning and Mir is borrowing hers froma friend.
Looks like they had fun. I will ge craving our pumpkin today after we buy one? YUP! Slow this year. No time on the weekend but that's a Blog in it's self.
Hooray, more pictures!!!
I'm so glad you had the chance to enjoy a truly glorious fall weekend. Sadly, we did not enjoy it quite so much, as we decided that the window frames, which we had been intending to paint since April, really really REALLY needed our attention this weekend. Bleh!
Hope you and your guys have an awesome time tonight. I will be expecting more pix first thing tomorrow, so don't go to bed without uploading your camera!!
xo Dani and the Wee Beasties
It must have been a leaf weekend--we had that going on too. I love your pictures :)
And that poor witch, poor gal.
what great photojournalism Nancy
have to admit, taht last pic filled with me with warm fuzzies
I love the Halloween wreath - good deal!!
It was nasty weather here in Vancouver, it rained, it poured!!! And, I know I was late, but there were only 3 pumpkins left at the store and they were ALL rotten!!! Oh well!! I bought a black light bulb and lots of creepy green spider web stuff!!! Victoria said it was the best house ever!(well maybe not!! But to a 6 year old!! Ah...I am still their hero!!)
Hae a good night tonight!!! Go to all your old haunts!!!
It's supposed to rain here....but hopefully it holds off till 8ih!!!
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