It all started October 1 with a trip to the punkin patch.
Where MANY treasures were found and brought home
And then after Thanksgiving, the real decorating began.
And of course all the fun crafts ensued.

A combination of incongruous things, A miscellaneous anthology or collection, A mixture of dried flower petals and spices used to scent the air, You'll get it all here, but it isn't gonna smell pretty
Where MANY treasures were found and brought home
And then after Thanksgiving, the real decorating began.
And of course all the fun crafts ensued.
ACK! Comment spam! But, I do love the halloween things :). The pumpkins and spiders are adorable, and B&T are cute too!!
Anna - a bit of a halloween scrooge.
I love it, I love it, I love it! These are the cutest crafts and the cutest kids. I love Halloween!
Oh Nancy, you are making me feel so guilty. I was totally into Halloween last year, but have yet to do all things I want this year. Although I'm determined to hit Boo at the Zoo this week.
Can I also say how much I enjoyed your POP blog. I don't know if you look back on your comments, so please let me say here, that I found myself bursting with pride over the troop's accomplishments. If you get any eyerolls from other parents, because of your enthusiasm, then you roll your own little eyes all the way out West and you will see me jumping up and down in my front yard cheering right along with you...garaunteed!
BTW, I really like the new foundation you're using in your latest pic. Really goes well with your colouring.
(LMAO, I had to scroll back up to see what Snack Mommy was going on about with the foundation crack.)
So the Great Pumpkin has been to your house many times over, I see! Looks like SO much fun!!! Sadly, it has been too wet and miserable for us to visit the pumpkin patch this year, so we had to buy grocery store pumpkins. But we have managed to decorate rather festively - but not as nicely as you (And thanks for the spider hat idea - I'm definitely stealing that!!)
WONDERFUL pix!!!! You could just post pix every single day and you'd be my favourite blogger!
xo Dani
P.S. Rockets are my favourite halloween candy ever!
TOO CUTE...The boys look very happy getting ready for all the fuss. Nathan says he wants to be a ghost for Hallowe'en. Miranda Whos is going out for the last time is going out as the Emily form the Corspe Bride.
Should be interesting.
Staying tuned
dani and snack mommy stole all my words: beautiful pics, would love some every day, love rockets, will definitely use the spider hat idea and love (?) your new foundation!!! We too have collected numerous seasonl crafts and quite an array of pumpkins including a Spiderman and a Dora one!!
Christmas should be stupendous at your house this year!
You are the Halloween Queen! I think I need to steal that spider hat idea, too.
TOO CUTE! At least yours are on the fridge! We've got pumpkins that look just like that, and they somehow ended up scotch-taped to the front window when I wasn't looking!!!
That is a lot of pumpkins. I am missing all of the halloween decorating fun a my 2 kids are much older (16 and 18). But to my surprise they just asked if they could each get a pumpkin to carve. ABSOLUTELY!
I, uh, I .... carved the jack-o-lantern today. And, uh, that's it. *ahem*
WOW. Look at you. That is some kick ass hallowe'en decorating.
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