Tuesday, November 01, 2005
About Me
- Name: nancy
- Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Happily married SAHM to six year-old twin boys, Gramps (my dad) lives next door who has two grandsons who idolize him...yadda yadda yadda...I am a cyncial, sarcastic, opinionated, outspoken loudmouth (potty mouth too) who is in love with being a Mommy (on most days) but has something to say about everything. I can't say I like to 'argue' but I enjoy a good heated discussion with opposing views, so lemme have it.

Previous Posts
- The Real Thing
- Happy Halloween
- Pumpkinpalooza - Part Two
- SevenMemeCauseIamLazy
- Pumpkinpalooza
- POP!
- Zed or Zee? (and a little bit of Zen)
- George Clooney and peanut butter
- 2 inches
- Monitor fried, it must've ate too much turkey. Goi...
Kool Links
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Sounds like my night. 3 kids. THREE. And bags and ooodles of already opened candy :)
ahhh, I gave fistfuls away at the end, simply to avoid that :) Nope no leftover candy here, otherwise why cut out the carbs??
Anna - who did eat here fair share on Monday night though.
LMAO! Yup that's Jack and I!
I bought 95 chocolate bars and gave 1/2 the box to 2 kids...Their parents where ticked...LOL! Alhough Miranda's boyfriend ended up with the stomach flu, I may send him the rest of the box. RIGHT ON! There's thinking Sharon....gives herself pat on the back.
Wow, those kids probably felt like they'd done something right this year, SCM! :-)
Thats pretty much how it is around here also!!! 1 block up from us is a street that for about 6 blocks has oodles and oodles of kids, apparently they go through like 200 plus candies. It is just like how I remember it when we were kids!! But for some reason the kids don't come down our way! I guess why bother when James Street is the jackpot!! But damn, with so many leftovers, I should have bought better candy!!!
I see you have taken off your costume, and removed your make up!! Now it's back to the true YOU!!!! Nice apron!!
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