Sure Signs



A wimpy husky/collie mix who will finally stay outside longer than 30 seconds.

More about the dog (Dani's favourite)

Canadian Cancer Society Daffodils
...and winding yourself up and spinning yourself around on the swing over & over & over till you puke. Serious. So serious I considered getting the camera until I realized the dog wanted to eat it so we just cleaned it, and him up very quickly. See? I was thinking of you all in my moment of duress with puke on the wall, the floor and the portion that actually did make it into the toilet. I just couldn't handle the dog eating it. Sorry. No. Pics.
I so love it that dog shit makes you think of me.
And personally, I'm glad you passed on documenting the puke photos. I'm just sayin'.
What a perfect summery day!!! Glad you had lots of fun :) Thanks for the no puke photos.
Lovely. You are definitely farther ahead on spring than here in SK. But we did get out the rain boots (too small) and the sidewalk chalk today. The kids chalked while I chopped ice.
Too bad about the puking. If that was after the purple popsicle, must have been colourful! (Hmm, picnic on the porch, poop and purple popsicle puke make a nice alliteration... Perhaps you could write a poem? Or not!)
Happy April Fool's Day tomorrow!
I ;ove the photos! Especially the kids - :)
lunch outside, popsicles, bubbles,!
dog shit, fun
all part of a great spring day
have a great week-end xo
I'm sure your kids had lots of fun eating out.
You know, I would have gone for the puke shot. But that's just me.
Marla - I am not surprised. But I am sure you are rather enamoured that I included poop? Since it is your thang.
Nancy, vous Remercier si beaucoup de pour votre soutien ! Je l'apprécie si beaucoup ! Avoir une grande Femme de Québec de jour ! Voir ya !
Nice to see the Troops enjoying the weather. Nathan spent all weekend outside too.
I see you have two books by Dick Irvin. You must be a big fan! ;)
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