A combination of incongruous things, A miscellaneous anthology or collection,
A mixture of dried flower petals and spices used to scent the air,
You'll get it all here, but it isn't gonna smell pretty
Monday, May 08, 2006
Hypothetical High
If a person were to be traveling on a plane at a cruising altitude 35 000 feet, was able to make a wireless connection for a fee of $20, and that person's spouse happened to be on the computer at that very time, at which they were able to converse using MSN Messenger, would that potentially qualify as membership to the infamous "Mile High Club"? Or would the fact that the service was paid for cause that to be defunct.
Considering I WOULD NEVER do that in those tiny bathrooms on a plane (Well unless it was John Travotra's plane with his bedroom.) I could say if it was good for you and the other person..>HELL YEAH!
Happily married SAHM to six year-old twin boys, Gramps (my dad) lives next door who has two grandsons who idolize him...yadda yadda yadda...I am a cyncial, sarcastic, opinionated, outspoken loudmouth (potty mouth too) who is in love with being a Mommy (on most days) but has something to say about everything. I can't say I like to 'argue' but I enjoy a good heated discussion with opposing views, so lemme have it.
hmmm, I guess it just may qualify ;)
Yep, that qualifies in my books ;)
The service was paid for.....hmmmmm, well I guess that would count but um...I hope you earned your fee ;~)
That depends.....what were you talking about????? Was it ph_n_ s_x ???
were you typing dirty to each other?
Considering I WOULD NEVER do that in those tiny bathrooms on a plane (Well unless it was John Travotra's plane with his bedroom.) I could say if it was good for you and the other person..>HELL YEAH!
I am not sure if cybering counts. I will ask around.
I'm laughing because I imagine your Beloved would be a little less than thrilled to know what you've been sharing with the Interweb!!!
He knows. He just rolls his eyes.
Are you in?
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