The Putting Together Part...
I went to The Body Shop in search of things smelling citrus. I was devastated to learn they no longer carry pink grapefruit as it has always been one of my favourites from there, so I did what best I could. I also snuck in a trip to this place and found many things for moi, and one very citrus smelling candle for her.

Of course we just HAD to find something here...(showing the actual store I go to)
OMG what would just about any day shopping during the holiday season be without at least a little peak in there? I found a big-ass mug that I loved, for which I included some tea, just for fun.
I also found some treats while perusing the shops in Pointe Claire Village (sorry no links) which my spoilee will understand if I describe it as a mini-mini-version of Old Stratchona and Whyte Ave where she lives. (I know this cause I lived there for 7 years from 1988-95, and loved it!).
The questionnaire answers from my spoilee indicated she liked all things jewel related and sparkly, as well as a longing for cute running socks. I purposely omitted the running part from the socks and stuck with the cute - they have silver sparkles in them! Of course some items have to come from another of my regular haunts...there is no secret about that, but they did at least kinda sorta looked at least a little jewel-like.
Her need for smut came in the way of a hand-me down OK Magazine straight from the bowels of Heathrow Airport after my hubby's December trip.
I did find it a little hard, but of course still fun, trying to shop for someone I don't know, but at least had some vague hints from the most difficultest of questionnaires I have ever done (thanx Marla!).
Then we wrapped. I used tissue wrapping paper with SPARKLES on it:
And wrapped everything up ever so carefully....
And topped it with very specific and special greetings cause most importantly December 25 is also her birthday, and EVERYONE deserves to be treated special on their birthday. I even added belated greetings knowing she wouldn't be opening it till after the 25th, even though there was a good chance it would arrive prior to that date.
And I ran off to the post office SO excited to be sending a mystery gift to a mystery friend...and then the next day what should arrive but MY parcel with a return address that MATCHED the one I had just mailed mine to. Go figure!! So, needless to say I knew who my Secret Santa was from that day on. Did it bother me? Not at all BUT I think knowing who it was made it even harder to contain myself from peeking. Did I peek? I'll answer nope, but none of you will ever really know...heh heh heh.
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