De-Lurk Dammit!
So Danigirl has one-upped both Suzanne and Sheryl and promoted their National De-Lurking Week to INTERNATIONAL De-Lurking week (for the benefit of us Canadians I presume). I know I don't have a true bevy of lurkers, or even readers for that matter, and I like to think I know who you all are and I DO know a number of you, and you never that's who I am targeting. Those of you who I know are reading and choose not to comment...I know where you live. So, come on, say something, I dare you, double dare you...and when you do, please come back, please?

Hi from another Canadian mom, in SK. I found you from Ann Douglas' blog a while ago. I think I've seen you on LibraryThing too, where we have some children's books in common. I love that website, but it's going to take me many more months to get all our books catalogued...
I enjoy your stories of the boys. I'm a mom to g/g/b triplets, who are now 5 1/2 and loving kindergarten. I enjoy their new milestones, but every one is bittersweet. I really miss the toddler and preschooler stages!
I like your snowmen, and your poker-night post. Very funny!
Best wishes,
You know me already. So it doesn't count as a delurk. But I just wanted to wave and say hi anyway! :)
Boy, with that kind of enticement how can I resist?
Happy IDLW!
Hi Nancy
See me Jumping up and down from the Creek!!!
OK I'm not de-lurking but I'm here every day just to see what you post. And you know somedays there is nothing new and I go away sooo sad. ;)
I didn't know about de lurking week ...awwww something to blog about tomorrow!!!!!
Love ya
Saw my name in lights, so I think I'm obligated by bloglaw to comment here, even though I am the antithesis of a lurker.
xoxo Dani
If I were a lurker I would certainly delurk by now!
I am also not a lurker.
So, I guess you weren't talking to me.
Hello! *waving*
hello there!!
OK, I'll admit it, some days I lurk and my brain doens't seem to have anything worthwhile to add in the comments, there
De-lurking? I'm mooning you!
Presed ham for Nancy'd dinner!
I'm another that you know and haven't commented since your first post, I think...baaaad me (slapping wrist!)!
Ok, you've gotten me to I win a prize?
Hey Sheila!!! Welcome...where are you in SK? I have family there. I am thrilled to see you here - triplets - wow - congrats!! Email me sometime...
Sorry everyone else, Sheila is the only TRUE and TRUE lurker who showed up - she wins.
BUT I do want to thank you all, and the academy for your support.
Well you know I'm not a lurky type of gal, so I'm waving Howdy!
I mainly lurk, so I'll wave hello.
OK, OK I admit it - I lurk. I don't have the time to comment having three kids three and under. I'll wave hello today and back to lurkdom. :-)
Hi. I visit here occasionally, found you from Ann Douglas, think I've seen you at LibraryThing too.
Best wishes,
Hiya - de-lurking...
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