Already rec'd the call that our 9:30 AM Co-Op Playgroup Christmas Party is cancelled, am expecting the same call about 1 PM skating lesson party. Jammie day!!!
I am not reporting anything new to those of you on the northeastern regional area within a few hundred miles that we are getting walloped! I went down to let the dog out to pee (she refused to go outside) but when I saw this:

I just had to take a picture. I can't believe it already, and we are hearing that the worst is yet to come. I'll continue to take pics so we can compare.
As I have been dutifully taking holiday decor pics for the Winter Holiday of Your choice Blog Extravaganza (just have to sort and post them) I took this one last night of two new little trees we have in our front garden:
Which now a mere 7 hours later looks like this:
I'll keep taking some shots throughout the day to compare, I'll spare you the ones of me in my jammies (be thankful) and since we are snowbound, I'll try to keep you posted.
I baked 5 dozen shortbreads last night, I wonder what we should bake today? Ideas?
Awwww, the whole reason I logged on was to start my day with a shot of you in your jammies and matching Sorels.
Happy storm day! My poor DH got home from work at midnight only to spend the next hour outside clearing the driveway. We have our preschool concert today and I'm getting there even if I have to get a lift from the jolly red guy.
I look forward to your reports throughout the day!
Oh my god, too funny. Our storm didnt' really materialize, so we have nothing like that. Lucky you! LOL
My oldest had a PD day today so she's having a jammy day, dh had a gazillion appointments today of all days, hope he's not excessively late for them all but I still drove the twins to preschool...played Xmas tunes all the way, drove slowly and admired the pure beauty of it, now living in the countryside with lots of huge trees and quaint farm houses and not being stuck in traffic really helps too. Hope I won't have too much trouble getting them later.
Happy jammy day!
We are still getting North Eastern Ontario wasn't spared this time.....Gerry will probably be first in line tonight to purchase a new snowblower...
I can barely see the tires of my VAN! But our freakin' School Board did NOT stop the buses from running SO I kept Miranda home. So did a few others I know of. Apparently there was one major Accident on the highway 1/2 to her school and its' a parking lot now. She'd never get there.
Your pictures are awesome. My Fence we can't see weither just the glow of the lights. Have to take apic...After I getout my jammies. :)
OH Bake SnickerDoodles...They are fun for kids to roll in the colour sugar and cinnimon.
Wow! You got way more snow than we did, I think it helped that the first three or four hours was rain, then freezing rain. Kept "J" awake from 2-4 pelting the windows! Then the snow started and we had lots of fun shovelling! DH was going to do it, but I told him we would have fun shovelling, what was I thinking????
I baked "Merry Cookies" sugar cookies in swirls of pink and white :)
Anna - who can't post photos because the other computer is down :(
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