Holiday Countdown Fun - December 16
Holiday Sammiches!!
Like these:
Like these:

I used cherry tomatoes, grapes and stuck the mini-pretzels in between the slices of bread for accessorizing. I have also used raisins for eyes and created antlers from cheese sticks or carrots or whatever. You should see how we eat around here, but saving that for another day.
CUTE! You are so creative.
Oh my goodness, they are so cute. Maybe that would inspire my guy to eat some samiches again.
Sometimes they eat them like sammiches, and other times they take them all apart piece by piece - whatever works I guess.
look who's creative now?
have those same plates ;)
OK Now I hate you...I never canthink of things like that. The cloest I've come to FOOD CREATIVE is cutting a grill cheese with a cookie cutter.
Sigh AND I used to piant.
just had to say that these were MAJOR hits today with all three of them...used grilled cheese and being out of tomatoes, a bit of ketchup for the nose did the trick
thanks nancy
That's brilliant! I made a grilled cheese feast for 5 kiddies today and never thought to do that - great idea and glad your customers liked them too.
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