If you miss me now...
I am soon to be in such a state of complete fun, but in another state (slapping knee!)
We are off...like a new bride's panties (OMG I can hardly contain myself!)
We are nothing less than more than extremely excited. We are taking the boys for their very first camping trip. We aren't sure who is more excited, the 4 year olds? or those of us who are a little older than that.
Can you tell I am just a little more than giddy??
We are headed to Lake Placid, NY to set up camp at the KOA. I am all a flutter in anticipation of watching the boys, and hope they love every minute of it. I did have to (sadly) burst the bubble after I overheard Ben telling the librarian that we were going camping to a hotel. Sorry buddy, it's a sleeping bag on a mat. When I told him there wasn't even a bathroom where we sleep, he asked, "Then, where will we go pee?" and his response after I told him it was a walk down the path to the public washroom : (paaaaauuuuuse) "Woo Hoo!" We are currently in a semi-intense paced packing mode and hoping to pull out of the driveway Wednesday morning. We are armed with all the necessities, as well as much much more. Also included are the newly deemed necessities from the dollar store such as lanterns and bug catchers.
The absolute worst part of it all? Leaving Sydney.

At the spa.

(really a kennel, but a very nice one, but sssshhhhhh don't tell her). We've only ever done it once before and I cried more than I did on our first day of preschool.
I have a lot of very fond (some unique) memories from Lake Placid, have I ever told you? Here are a few:
- going with my dad the week prior to the start of the 1980 Winter Olympics and seeing Eric Heiden train at the outdoor speed skating venue, only then, no one knew what he was about to do, which was win 5 gold medals
- camping at the very KOA with friends, for a long weekend of mountain biking and hiking, and then to be covered in mud after a day in the bush, head to a pub for a beer to find out that Princess Diana had died, two days prior (no newspaper or radio for us those few days)
- being in the seediest motel room I have ever seen, cause our planned canoeing weekend was predominantly rained out, having to start suprefact injections which was the very beginning to our 2nd IVF cycle, the very one that resulted in my precious, amazing boys
I can't wait to take them there, in hopes that it is the start of a new found relationship where it will conitnue to be a favourite place of ours, and also theirs.
Anyway, we'll be back sometime next week, we aren't really sure when, but I'll be sure to let you know (as if it really matters).