Holiday Countdown Fun - December 1
Today we write. We write our wish list and put it in a safe place. Then we write our letter to Santa and mail it. If you child mails a letter to Santa Claus at this address (for Canadians) they will receive a letter BACK from Santa. They really do. Just be VERY sure that your return address is not only on the envelope, but on the letter as well.
Santa Claus
North Pole
H0H 0H0
More info here.
Not clear on this one, but from what I read Santa may even write back to children from other countries. Do you think this is what is being said here? What I may suggest in that case is mailing the letter, but NOT telling the child(ren) they will receive a reply and if/when they do, what a joyful surprise that would be. I was not able to locate a similar program for US residents (only by googling) maybe someone out there does?
I intend on taking photos of our Santa letters, only cause we did last year and they were so friggin' cute.
***Note to parents: start saving empty toilet paper rolls.
Santa Claus

North Pole
H0H 0H0
More info here.
Not clear on this one, but from what I read Santa may even write back to children from other countries. Do you think this is what is being said here? What I may suggest in that case is mailing the letter, but NOT telling the child(ren) they will receive a reply and if/when they do, what a joyful surprise that would be. I was not able to locate a similar program for US residents (only by googling) maybe someone out there does?
I intend on taking photos of our Santa letters, only cause we did last year and they were so friggin' cute.
***Note to parents: start saving empty toilet paper rolls.
Yes, I think they do write back internationally.
One of the things we do is we happen to know Santa's phone number, and he knows ours, so Santa makes sure the call the girls each year. And we can track his path by NORAD.
I know about the NORAD, but sheesh, was saving that one for much later in the game.
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